Help Migrating Fish in Utrecht: Ring the Fish Doorbell!

Help Migrating Fish in Utrecht: Ring the Fish Doorbell!

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In a unique effort to aid migrating fish, the Dutch city of Utrecht has installed an underwater "fish doorbell" at the Weerdsluis lock on the west side of the inner city. The innovative system allows residents and visitors to help fish pass through the lock during their annual spring migration to spawning grounds.

Every spring, fish swim through Utrecht's canals, with some traveling as far as Germany to reproduce. However, the Weerdsluis lock, which remains mostly closed during this season, poses a significant obstacle for the migrating fish. The fish doorbell aims to solve this problem by enabling the public to notify the lock operator when fish are waiting to pass through.

An underwater camera, set up at the lock, streams a live feed to the project's homepage. Viewers can press a digital fish doorbell whenever they spot a fish, sending a signal to the lock operator. The operator can then decide to open the lock if there are enough fish present, allowing them to continue their journey.

The fish doorbell is a collaborative effort between the Municipality of Utrecht, Waterboard De Stichtse Rijnlanden, and Water Authority Amstel, Gooi and Vecht. These organizations are collectively responsible for managing the water quality in the Vecht River and Utrecht's canals.

Fish play a crucial role in maintaining the health and cleanliness of Utrecht's waterways. By helping them reach their spawning grounds, the fish doorbell not only contributes to the well-being of the fish population but also provides valuable information on the species and numbers of fish traveling through the city's canals. This data can be used to improve the quality of underwater life in Utrecht.

Residents and visitors are encouraged to check the live stream, especially at night, as fish prefer to swim in the dark when there are fewer predators. The fish doorbell project aims to raise awareness about the rich underwater life in Utrecht's canals and encourage public participation in preserving this valuable ecosystem.

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